Using a Document Management System for Remote Work | Platinum Copiers - Beaumont

For now, remote work is a reality for many employees. Whether you love or hate working from home, your basic requirements to continue working remain similar: you need to communicate with coworkers, you need access to data, etc. But perhaps the most critical need of all is document managing capabilities.

While you’re working from home, how will your employees share, manage, and print documents? You may have to adapt to a new environment of online sharing. That’s where a fully remote document management system can help you immensely. Let’s take a look at how this system works and how it can improve your work from home experience.

Working from home? How will you and your coworkers handle document management and sharing? Here’s how document management software can help. #PlatinumCopiers #workfromhomelife Share on X

Fully Electronic & Online

Document management systems are designed to streamline your workday, whether you’re in the office or working from home. Consequently, virtually all of their functionality is based solely on internet access. Anyone with the proper credentials and access to an internet-connected device (even a mobile device) can edit or share documents as needed. There’s no reason for your document strategy to come to a halt during a period of remote work!

Pro Tip: Our document management setup is perfect for remote work! We offer e-signature capabilities, secure sharing options, mobile device compatibility, auto-sync, and much more.

Enhanced Sharing Options

You can easily share documents and other key files with anyone, no matter where you or the recipient are located. But that’s not all. You can also block certain users from viewing selected files or restrict their access without hindering anyone else’s work. This allows you to maintain some privacy within the workplace as needed.

Trustworthy Security

Security is no less important when working remotely. This is especially true if your clients require HIPAA or FINRA compliance for the documents they entrust to you. That’s why our records management system takes extra steps to be fully in compliance with all applicable privacy laws to protect both you and your clients’ information. You can also adjust the security and sharing settings as necessary to tighten restrictions further.

Document Management Solutions for Working from Home

Remote work presents a unique set of challenges for employees and employers alike. However, with the right software and a little planning ahead, it can be a rewarding experience and potentially even more productive than a typical day at the office.

Connect with us for more tips and tricks for remote work.