While outsourcing corporate communications materials like brochures, newsletters and posters have some benefits, handling your print jobs in-house can be the most cost-effective approach for many small businesses. In-house printing is less expensive because you can control what is printed, how it’s printed and how much is printed. Tired of paying an arm and a leg for outsourced printing services? Find out how in-house printing can save your budget. Share on X
Outsourcing Your Printing Process: The Cons
Companies can print on demand when on a tight deadline, instead of hoping that the outsourced job sent to the local commercial printer finishes the job on time. Here are 3 ways outsourcings costs you more in time, money and production time:
- Wasted Materials
- Missed Deadlines
- Lack of Control
1) Wasted Materials
When you outsource, you have to meet a certain number of printed in order to get a high volume discount, otherwise, your costs are much higher. The problem with that is you’re often left with an enormous stockpile of material that you’ll never use. This is especially true if you’re in an industry with frequent updates or innovations that make old brochures obsolete fairly quickly.
2) Missed Deadlines
“We can try” is a common response when you ask a commercial printer whether or not they can meet your deadline. In situations where you absolutely need your printed materials by a certain time and date, this answer just doesn’t cut it.
3) Lack of Control
Perhaps you’re printing sensitive information, or introducing new products or services that need to remain confidential or under wraps. Outsourcing requires forfeiting a certain amount of control over how/if your information is shared or seen by someone who shouldn’t be viewing them.
A Game Changer
There was a time when most business print jobs needed to be outsourced, but innovations in digital printing devices have changed the game. Products, such as the Sharp Pro Series MX-6500N and MX-7500N, can perform high-quality, vibrant color printing in-house. When it comes to keeping costs low and efficiency high, printing with your own Sharp Pro Series is the way to go.
Contact Us to learn more about bringing your printing processes home. Visit our Houston office, or contact a sales rep in Fort Worth, Lake Jackson or Beaumont.